Some things you might not know: - You can adopt with out spending a lot of money (sometimes none at all). CPS has many kids that are looking for forever homes. - In TX most kids (namely after the age of 6) in CPS care that you adopt are entitled to a free college education to a state school.
Paul and Erin met on a bike ride at the end of January of 2006 and got married on March 20, 2010 in Paul's hometown of Ft. Worth, TX. Paul is a copy editor and Erin is a fashion stylist for print and online.
They are into water-wise landscaping, art, home interiors and lazy bike rides in their neighborhood. They have cable TV for two reasons...Top Chef and Tour de France. They have an alarm clock/cat named Senator Pickle who plays fetch and happens to be a fat cat trapped in a skinny cat's body (someday it may catch up to him). Now a new addition to the Piper-Flowers abode a little girl named Clementine.....